Sunday, May 18, 2014

Jannah [Paradise] Part Two

In The Name Of Allah The Most Compassionate And The Most Merciful

Brothers and sisters in Islam, The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) described a 'Mukmin' (Believer) in this life and he said "It is a prison of a Mukmin, and it is Paradise of a Kafir (non-believer)". Yes, it is a Paradise. Because they believe that this is the only life they're going to live. They say it's a short life so we might as well make the best of it, get us much as we can from it. A Mukmin doesn't think that way. He sees that everything in this world always calls him and her to do Haram (forbidden) things. It makes difficult for us to worship Allah correctly and sincerely, especially in our time today, where the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "There will come a time when, the one who's holding on to his religion is like one who's holding on to a coal of fire". It's intense. It's difficult brothers and sisters. But it is not difficult upon the one who anticipates a great reward in the Hereafter. 'Ad dunya sijnul mu'min', the world is like a prison for a Mukmin, one who desires Allah, one who desires Paradise. Are you one of them brothers and sisters?

We all want Jannah, but we don't want to do nothing. We heard the Hadith "Whomsoever his last words are: 'La ilaha ila Allah, Dakhalal Jannah'". So everybody saying Alhamdulillah, this is very easy. If i tell you now to say 'La ilaha ila Allah', no problem, but at the death bed, its not that easy at all. And i am afraid, that we're just saying 'La ilaha ila Allah' without living 'La ilaha ila Allah'. Who are the 'Sabiqoon' that Allah mentions in the Quran brothers and sisters? From the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his Companions, and the ones after them, they are the 'Sabiqoon'. The have beaten us in two things, they are the 'Sabiqoon' means thay are before us, and it means they have beaten us to Paradise. And there is a small amount from this life, there's only a minority that are still striving and working and desiring Paradise, only a small amount Allah says. Allah is praising the one who race each other for the goodness but not race each other for worldly things. Know, a normal Muslim does not want just a first place in Paradise, a Mukmin wants to beat everyone and go to the Firdaus Al A'la.

The 'Sabiqoon' brothers and sisters, what were they like? They sacrificed their wealth. How can you buy this world with your money? And sell the Hereafter? For a few pennies or a few dollars which you can earn in this life? Why? How could you buy this worthless life when the Prophet (pbuh) said "The whole world is not worth a wing of mosquito to Allah S.W.T".  And there are a lot of Muslims who place the world on their head like a crown.

How can we get there? What should we do? Is it hard? The goods that Allah S.W.T is offering are very precious, they are very valuable. Jannah is not cheap! The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "All my ummah's going to Jannah, except the one who refuse." So the companions said "Ya Rasulullah, who would refuse, after hearing all these beautiful things?" The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "Whosoever obey me, he will enter Jannah, and whosoever disobey me, he has refused to enter Jannah". So, the key to enter Jannah is the obedience of Rasulullah (pbuh). What does it mean following Rasulullah (pbuh)? :

  1. Following Rasulullah (pbuh) in Tawheed : Believing in the Oneness of Allah S.W.T. and staying away from all forms of 'Shirk' (to associate anyone with Allah).
  2. Believing everything that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said without any doubt. Unfortunately, we hear something in the news we believe it immediately, we read something in the papers we believe it immediately, but when it comes to the 'Sunnah', we have doubts. Then how do we get to Jannah if we doubts the Sunnah of our Prophets?

So, in the Jannah, mansions above mansions and they're all lofty and high. Beneath them flowing rivers. Now the rivers are not going side by side, it's going under them. Such is the promise of Allah, never does Allah fail in his promise. Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "There will be rooms in Jannah, from the outside you can see the inside, and from the inside you could see the outside. How does that work out? We don't know. When someone enter Jannah, as he walking up and he goes next to his palace and then suddenly he just can not move, and he sees his wife. Whether it is his wife from Jannah or his wife from 'Dunya', he will just see her face and freeze in his tracks, and he will just sit there contemplating at her beauty. We are incapable of describing in worldly terms. Their beauty is so much, that this man will stand there and stare at her for forty years, just contemplating at her beauty. Rasulullah (pbuh) said in Bukhari, in this Hadith narrated by Anas ibn Malik, "If one of the women of Jannah would just appear to the people of this world, the distance between the heavens and the earth would be filled with the light, and her scent will cover the whole distance, and the scarf that she has on her head is better than the world and everything in it.

In Jannah, we will have the height of Adam A.S, which is said was about ninety yards, we will have the beauty of Yusuf A.S, we will have the age of Isa A.S, thirty three years old, so we will have a different creation in Jannah. Rasulullah (pbuh) said "A man in Jannah will have the strength of a hundred men of this world". No matter how hard you try to imagine what is in Jannah, it will only be a fraction of the real thing. So now you've spent all of these years staring at your wife, and then you will enter in to your mansion. Everything is new to you, everything is an experience. You take a look at the furniture that you have in that mansion, and you just go around looking at the way it looks, the way it is arranged, the quality of it and you just go from room to room, saying 'Alhamdulillah'. And it's an insult to call it furniture because there's no comparison.

You don't have any appointment in Jannah, you are not in a hurry to do anything, there's no time that is rushing you, you have an unlimited amount of time to do whatever you want. So you will go out with your wife to take a look at what you have, but before that you want to have something to eat and something to drink. While sitting on the couches, you'll have all of these youths running around, in beautiful uniforms, wonderful exotic colors and the're all smiling, and they are serving you all of these stuff that you have never seen before. So you don't have to do anything. Your wife doesn't have to do anything. There's no cleaning that is involved, it is pure enjoyment for both of you. As soon as you walk out of your mansion, this wonderful smell will fill your nostrils, and you are wondering where is it coming from. So you'll go around trying to locate the source and then you'll find that it's coming from the soil of Jannah. You'll pick that soil up and it is pure white musk. And then you are gonna hear the sound of water, so you are gonna ask your guide, what is this? He'll tell you that this is a river and it is located right beneath your palace. Here is a parable, of the garden which the righteous are promised, in it are rivers of water incorruptible, rivers of milk of which the taste never changes, rivers of wine, a joy to those who drink, and rivers of honey, pure and clear.

So the guide tells you, do you want us to go and visit the springs? You'll say 'Yes' and the guide will tell you; But i have something better for you. How about we go and visit the river that belongs to Rasulullah (pbuh)? And that is the river of 'Al-Kawsar'. So you ask him; is it okay to me to go and visit it, he says; 'Yes'. Since you are part of the Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh), all of you will have access to his river. He will allow you to go and drink from it. And this is the best river in Paradise and it originates from under the throne of Allah S.W.T. Truly the righteous will be in bliss, on throne of dignity, will they command the sight of all things. You will recognize in their faces the beaming brightness of bliss, they will be given to drink pure wine; sealed. The sealed thereof will be of musk. So for this let the competitors compete. With it will be given a mixture of 'Tasneem', a spring from which those near to Allah will drink.

So now all of these tours are taking you years to complete and you start noticing something. You are noticing that there are no sun or moon, There's no darkness, there's no shadow, there's no summer, there's no winter, there's no fall, there's no spring, so you're start wondering how long is the day in Jannah and is there any night? And you figure out that it's in Jannah there's no sleeping and it's constant daylight, and the only way you recognize whether it is daytime or night is by a beam that comes from beneath the throne of Allah S.W.T. Otherwise it's all light in Jannah.

So you're still following your guide, and then you see this huge tree. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "There is a tree in Paradise which is so big and huge that a rider could travel in its shade for a hundred years". He said in at Tirmidhi "The trees of Paradise, the branches and the trunk of it are made of gold ". Ibrahim A.S is now giving advice to his son Muhammad (pbuh), he's the descendant of Ibrahim A.S. The reason why Ibrahim A.S is care about us is because we are the ummah of Muhammad (pbuh). So Ibrahim A.S told Muhammad (pbuh), they had this meeting in Jannah in 'Isra Wal Mi'raaj', he said "O Muhammad, give your ummah my 'salaam', and tell them that Paradise is beautiful, its water is pure, and its soil is clean, and tell them that it's vast huge, and the tree of Jannah are SUBHANALLAH, ALHAMDULILLAH, WALAILAHA ILA ALLAH, ALLAHUAKBAR". So if you want a tree to grow for you in Jannah, all what you have to do is say SUBHANALLAH, ALHAMDULILLAH, WALAILAHA ILA ALLAH, ALLAHUAKBAR. Use your time in 'Dunya' to grow acres of there trees. Just keep on building houses and planting trees, work on it from 'Dunya'. Prepare yourself for Jannah.

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