Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pray Until You Are Prayed Upon

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And The Most Merciful

Can anyone tell me how Umar Ibn Khattab R.A passed away? He was stabbed while he was leading the (Fajr) prayer. The narration goes on to tell us that, Umar R.A has a big open wound in his stomach. He's lying on the ground , he's bleeding out and he's fading in and out of consciousness. While he was in that state and in that condition, he hears the call to prayer, the adzan. And he's start to getting up. So everyone around him were shocked and asked him "Where do you think your going?". Then Umar R.A. said "I have to go and pray. It's the adzan". The companions around him said "You are dying. You have a big hole in your stomach. What do you mean you want to go to pray?" Then Umar R.A replied "I remember The Prophet (PBUH) telling me, that there's no deen (religion) for the one who doesn't pray. I have to go and pray. As long i am alive, Salah (prayer) is something that i must do". 

"My lord has firmly commanded me to pray, and to give charity (purify myself), as long as i remain alive" - Surah Maryam (verse 31)
That verse is a statement from Jesus (A.S). This is a very powerful reminder, about our approach to prayer, how we approach prayer, and how we perceive and think, and how we implement prayer in our lives. This is a command from Allah S.W.T to all humankind. You cannot escape this. As long as you using the life, the body that Allah S.W.T had gave to you, YOU MUST PRAY. What does that exactly mean? It means that no matter what comes up, prayer is something that i will hold on to, until my last breath. I will concern myself with prayer until death.

This is what our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had demonstrated to us. He lived this. About a week before the passing of the Prophet (PBUH), he was very ill. He was incapable of standing up and even walking on his own.  So what The Prophet did is, he would send for 2 sahaba, they would come to his home, and they would carry him. He put his arms around their shoulders and they would literally carry him to the prayer like that. But he would still go to prayer in this condition. He teach us that PRAYER IS SOMETHING WE MUST DO UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH!


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