Monday, March 10, 2014

Anger Management

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And The Most Merciful

My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, you need to know that the disease of the heart, anger. It happens to everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim. But, The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) he didn't leave us without an answer to cure this problem. He gave us ways to deal with anger. Each and every one of us feels this. So what do i do as a Muslim to control myself when i get angry? 

  1. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) he explained to us to say some simple words, "A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim". But the problem is at the time of anger, am i able to remember Allah S.W.T and say that words? This is very hard for some people even though you are hearing this you will say this is easy. You should be able to do this but at the time when you are angry, it is the hardest thing to do. Subhanallah. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) he was walking and he saw two men, and they were fighting and they were cursing at one another, and in the Hadith stated that the men's faces became red and their veins were popping out, that's how angry they were. Then The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said "I know some words if these men said it the feeling that they have this anger that they have inside of them if they said these words it will go away". And the word is "A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim". 
  2. We are trying to abstain from whom? The evil accursed Shaytaan who wants you to be disrupted. He wants to see you fight. Another advise The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) he gave, he said "If any of you became angry, let him stay silent". Why? When any of us became angry the first thing we do is speak, we don't hit straight away, we say words, either we try to understand and we loose it and we want to say swear words or we abuse or we curse. So, The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said to be quiet, stay silent because if you can stay silent you might sit back and reflect, think about the words, think about the act. If we say something it may became worse situation. So, when you are angry, just stay silent. 
  3. The next advice, The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) he gave, he said "If any one of you became angry and he is standing, sit. And if your anger still hasn't gone from you, lie down". Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said "The strongest man is the one when he gets angry and his face is red and his emotions rise and he is able to defeat his anger".MasyaAllah. 
Now, some of us may be thinking it's not that easy. I wanna put you in the place of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), one day a Bedouin came and the Bedouin are rough and tough. That time Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was wearing a cloak and it had a very thick collarThe man came up to him and he grabbed the Prophet (PBUH) very tough, he pulled him by the shirt by his cloak and the sahaba said that they could see the redness on his skin from the marks. That's how hard this man was pushing. And this Bedouin said to the Prophet "Give me of the wealth that Allah has given you!". The Prophet (PBUH) hasn't done nothing wrong to this person, so his coming wanting money. Any of us would have hit this person, would have smashed this person, would have curse him and his family. 

What do you think our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did? He smiled and he said "Give him from the wealth". He was not scared. He had the ability to do whatever he wanted. BUT HE HAD TO TAME HIMSELF. HE TEACH US WHEN WE ARE IN SUCH SITUATIONS, WE DON'T ACT! WE CALM DOWN, WE THINK. USE OUR BRAIN! 

Another story, a man came to the Prophet (PBUH) to seek and advice. So he said "O Messenger of Allah, advice me". Then Prophet Muhammad said "Don't become angry". That man took that advice and said again "O Messenger of Allah, advice me". Then The Prophet said "Don't become angry". He said it 7 times and the advice is the same, don't become angry. The man said "I thought about what the Prophet (PBUH) said and i realized that anger combined all kinds of evil".


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