Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Disease Of Nationalism

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And The Most Merciful

Are you proud being Malaysian? Are you proud being French? Are you proud being American? Are you proud being Pakistani? Are you proud being Bengali? Are you proud being Saudi Arabian? Are you proud being Indonesian? Are you proud being Indian? Or are you proud to be a Muslim? Proud to be a servant of Allah S.W.T. Proud to be a part of Deen ul-Islam. 

Divide and rule is the devil's tool. India was divided..and they still fight today, Kashmir is still struggling. Today in Bangladesh, they are fighting over that divide between Pakistan. Unrest in Iraq and Kurdistan. Our Muslims are dying in Syria, Egypt is crying! Our Burmese brothers and sisters can't go to their fellow Muslim country because they are not wanted! Our Afghani brothers and sisters are tired of war! Palestine is in turmoil..This is what man made borders does! SO SHOULD WE BE PROUD? Let's fear Allah! 

Nationalism is a disease recognize that! When we die, we ain't gonna be dying with no flag around us. It's just gonna be that simple white cloth. What did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said in his final sermon? NO ARAB IS BETTER THAN A NON-ARAB, NO NON-ARAB IS BETTER THAN AN ARAB! NO WHITE IS BETTER THAN A BLACK, NO BLACK IS BETTER THAN A WHITE! Racism is Haram! 

I love every Muslim in this world. I don't care where are you from. I don't greet you with a 'Hello', 'Hi', 'What's up'. We have the beautiful greeting from heaven, 'Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh', may the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be on you my brothers and sisters. What a beautiful greeting and beautiful Dua. We are One Ummah! Islam is our culture, nationality and race. Being a Muslim should be our badge or flag of honor. ONE LOVE, ONE UNITY, ONE UMMAH! 

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